Friday, July 9, 2010

Lazarus Come Forth: Sickness for the Glory of God

Konviction Triumfant Muzik

Hey there. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself...
To the church, community, and the World-at-large.

Im Konviction. A former whoremonger, former addict of everything tasty including drugs and women,  secular rap musician, ex-dead beat dad, etc. You know. The stereotypical imagery that popular culture suggests decribes us, especially us brothas, all too well...

Funny thing is, what I was, has contributed greatly to who I am and what I am quickly becoming. In the book of John,  Our Beloved, Jesus, when informed of the death of his close friend and confidante Lazarus,  a man whom the bible says that Jesus loved, Christ told  the disciples in reference to Lazarus' death that, "this sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified thru it." John 11:4.

Hmmmmm. Amen. Our sickness, even our death,  will ultimately work toward the glory of God. Amen.

The very things that the enemy used against me, even my own ignorance, has been used to prepare me for the task which God assigned to me before my mothers womb, before the foundation of the World. All of the pain, rejection, anger, abuse, confusion, strife, bitterness, and unforgiveness, has collectively given me an understanding of deliverance, and transformed me into a symbol of Gods promise for our generation.

God is not a God of favoritism, he is no respector of persons....What He can do for me, He can do for you..
Or your wife, your son, your co-worker....
your incacerated child, or addicted sibling...sin is sickness, true, and is separation from God, a spiritual death. But Christ is the antedote...the cure, for all ailments..the cureall...the medical miracle for a World that has lost faith in His Power...

It is this principle that defines the Lazarus Experience. He called me forth. And thru faith and belief in His power, I came. Here I am, Lord, send me, I replied.

Thus, in a similar fashion, thru His power,  and ordained by His authority, an authority given to All who truly believe, I call you forth......

Those of you sick...addicted, hurting, confused, dazed, blinded, oppressed, hungry, and abused....
The dead in sin and trespass against God...say Yes...Yes to Jesus, to Resurrection and Redemption..

Say yes to Life..Life Eternal in Christ Jesus...Stay tuned to the Lazarus Experience Vol. I

For God So Loved The World that he gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever shall believe in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3: 16.

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